What does wealth mean to you?

The Rothschild ‘Recession Code’

“Dear Reader,

Sunday, 18th June, 1815…

6,100 men an hour were slaughtered fighting the Battle of Waterloo. History records that the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon. But you may not know who the real victor was that day - a banker called Nathan Rothschild… who was nowhere near Waterloo, and didn’t fire a shot.

Rothschild had under his command a tiny army of pigeons. These pigeons were fast and well trained. And they took him the news of the battle’s progress to London. Before anyone else, Nathan Rothschild knew Napoleon had been defeated. But he spread the word that the French had destroyed the British in a resounding victory. There was a mass sell-off of British bonds, equities and money. After all, everyone thought Britain as a nation was finished.

And then Rothschild bought. He bought everything, for practically nothing. Almost overnight Rothschild multiplied his fortune twenty-fold… owned the British economy… and became the richest man in Britain and probably the world.

Somehow – for over 200 years – the Rothschild family has always managed to come out on top… especially in times of strife and uncertainty. No one living knows just how rich they are today. Estimates range from US$150 billion to $100 trillion. Whatever the figure, their fortune is almost impossible to imagine. Their bloodline extends into the Royal Families of Europe and the following family names: Kennedy, Morgan, DuPont, Taft and Rockefeller.

If you imagine a ‘Power Pyramid’ that controls world affairs, this family has almost certainly sat directly at the top on numerous occasions. And yet, you hear hardly anything about them in the mainstream press. That’s how the Rothschilds have worked for centuries: quietly, without fuss, behind the scenes. Their influence is everywhere. They make money from everything... all the time... in any market.

So let me ask you this...

With recession upon us and an even tougher 2009 on the cards for many investors... wouldn’t it pay to know what the Rothschilds are doing?”

These are words taken from a marketing email. Here is the link to the web page.

Actually I am fascinated with these marketing ideas as I am a cynic..well perhaps I have a highly questioning and sceptical attitude. In the web site, the marketing is to pay for the Tim Price report. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming!

But it goes on to say that he is providing these secrets not for money, but I quote “Let me assure you, it’s not for money. I’m more than comfortable. It’s not for recognition either. One of my aspirations has always been to bring to private investors some of the discipline and sophistication of the institutional arena. Why? Because it’s the ‘little guy’ that gets hurt the most at times like this. The press aren’t interested in giving you solutions. They’d rather sell papers with stories about how we’re all doomed. And if you can find a fund manager or broker you can actually afford, they’ll often only steer you towards investments where they get a fat commission. Marketing a fund often seems to come before client needs. Investment products tend to be aggressively sold rather than bought. I'm interested in helping individual investors like you become better informed of their wealth-building options in an increasingly clamorous marketplace.

This may sound a little virtuous or altruistic (character traits not often associated with institutional investors!) but I can assure you: I'm being 100% genuine.”

Make your own mind up on what you believe.

In the web page Tim Price also says “Britain's private sector pension schemes recorded a deficit of nearly £200 billion at the end of last year. That compares to a SURPLUS of £130.4 billion in June 2007. Translation: In 18 months, a staggering £330 billion in retirement funds have VANISHED. Let’s be clear...That’s real money – gone. Years of toil, prudence and trust DESTROYED”

My point, if Tim Price is that clever, why does he not offer his services to these pensions funds and show them how to rebuild the £330 billion? Think how many pensioners and members of these schemes would feel if they knew their retirements were much more secure after making up the losses. At the same time, Tim Price could offer the service for free, because he’s, by his own words, a little virtuous or altruistic.

I am not saying that Tim Price is good or bad with his advice, but it is the way it is sold. There are thousands of ‘get fit’ books, ‘get thin’ books on the market and most people know the basic answer - exercise more, eat less. Yet most of us don’t do it. Why? Even if we may know the answer, it’s really hard to do. The way to do it is with the support of people to encourage you and be with you to stay focused and disciplined. So what Tim Price might offer is a good read, a ‘get rich’ book but will it change your life? Probably not and if it did, you would pay more than he’s asking.

The key to building a secure retirement is designing a plan with someone you trust and working your plan over the long term. And if you invest what you may have paid for the Tim Price newsletter, the money stays in your pocket for your future, not his!

Finally, after reading back over the article, did anyone else pick up on the following too? 'Before anyone else, Nathan Rothschild knew Napoleon had been defeated. But he spread the word that the French had destroyed the British in a resounding victory.' I have no idea on the validity of this story but if it was allegedly true, telling lies to make money as a banker does not have much integrity. Has anything changed since 1815!

posted by Murray Round Wealth Management @ 10:00,

Anyone for tennis..or golf…

Any golfer will have heard of the expression, "keep your head still". I have heard it when playing (too many times!). I also attempt to go through a pre-shot routine, part of which is trying to keep my head still through the shot.

As a keen tennis player, I watched some slow motion videos of Roger Federer whilst listening to the analysis. Roger keeps his head still whilst hitting through the shot, similar to golf.

I asked the question to various friends, why do you keep your head still? There was no common answer. Yet in the commentary, the reason given was that as the head is the heaviest part of the body, its momentum will cause the body to move out of balance.

Eureka! It was a statement that made the saying very clear to me. Listening to the same old story year in year out has been given new meaning. Seeing the problem from a different perspective helps me understand its importance and significance.

The key word here is perspective.

In the world of finance, sometimes individuals miss out on a new perspective. Part of our role is helping people see things from a different perspective.

When your adviser or stockbroker or banker…whoever helps you with your money, talks to you about your money, the chances are they have a product in mind to sell to you. They are not blatant about it, but in many cases its how the adviser/salesperson gets paid. This means their perspective is somewhat different from someone who is not selling a product…in other words, you benefit from advice not the sale of a product. In such circumstances the perspective is different.

Without doubt when investors do start to ask questions to a fee-only adviser, the new perspective can also give your money a new lease of life. A Eureka moment.

Thank you Roger. Love to have you as a client..alas! Does anyone have his phone number?

posted by Murray Round Wealth Management @ 13:55,

The Authors

Nicholas Round

Nic is the Managing Director of Murray Round Wealth Management Limited, who seeks to ensure the advice provided is truly independent. Based in Shropshire with clients local, national and worldwide, Nic has strived to find the best possible service for his clients needs, by researching and studying the market, trends and philosophies. Nic strongly believes Asset Class Management will bring his clients Financial Freedom, Independence and Happiness.


Kirsty is our communication guru. Managing information requires considerable due diligence and her passion for organisation gives the clarity we all seek. From Shropshire, with a Psychology Degree and much travelling, she is now back in Shrewsbury...and London often, keeping us all at Murray Round focused.

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